

Position Overview职位概览:
Be responsible for purchasing order handlings, ensure supplier on time delivery to satisfy production plan and customer request, Leading and participating supplier management, includes but not limited like supplier performance, cooperation, supplier relationship management and continuously improvement to meet our business requirement.
负责处理采购订单,确保供应商准时交付率以满足生产和客户需求; 主导和参与供应商管理,包括但不限于如绩效,合作,供应商关系等方面的管理和持续提升,以满足和匹配我们的业务需求

Main Responsibilities岗位职责:
1.Cost-conscious, proficient in ERP to release purchase orders to suppliers in reasonable MOQ and delivery date base on cost efficiency and inventory management . Actively communicate with key stakeholder for example supplier to well management orders delivery to ensure OTA,
有成本意识 , 能熟练使用ERP系统并采用合理的MOQ和交期有效控制采购和库存成本以操作采购订单 。积极主动与相关方如供应商沟通和管理订单交付,确保准时交付率
2.Timely share forecast to suppliers; focus on long lead-time & key parts status.
及时分享需求预测给供应商, 重点关注和管理较长交期物料及关键物料的状况。
3.Leading supplier delivery performance improvement ; support other team to optimize supplier overall performance from like commercial, cooperation and quality aspect ; Participate supplier approval , yearly supplier visit / audit and supplier appraisal process
对外:主导提升供应商交付绩效管理 ;协助其它相关团队做好供应商商务,合作以及质量方面的绩效管理 ;必要时参与供应商准入,年度审核,业务评审等。
4.Coordinate with PMC to manage material delivery and arrival to ensure on time delivery as requested; work closely with Warehouse for goods receiving, work with finance to handle invoice and payment issue.
对内:与计划和物控配合协调,管理物料的到达时间以确保按需交付; 与仓库紧密配合订单交付和收货一致性;与财务部门配合处理发票付款和相关的账务问题。

Main Requirements岗位要求:
1.Bachelor’s degree major in international trade, business administration, finance or relevant.
本科学历, 国贸, 商务管理或财务相关专业
2.1-3 years’ working experience in purchasing/planning, fresh graduate with high potential is also acceptable.
1-3年以上采购/计划相关工作经验, 条件好的应届毕业生也可接受。
3.Proactive working attitude with well communication and collaboration sense and skills, diligent and details oriented。
积极主动的工作态度,良好的沟通协调意识和能力, 工作认真细致,
4.Basic English ability.